This weekend with the essential help of my wife
twenty of my newest artworks were delivered to the Caplan Art Designs Gallery in Portland Oregon. There were 16 paintings and 4 sculptures to pack up and carry into the Gallery. Here's what my studio looked like prior to being loaded up……and here's a video of that prep to deliver part with me talking about it.
When I was a younger artist I worried - had anxiety even - about art openings much more than I do nowadays.
Now, as an aspiring old curmudgeon artist, I know that some things are within my control and some things aren't. I can focus on the things within my control and let go of the things that aren't.
The things within my control: the creation of all of the art for a one-person exhibition, getting the paperwork done and into the Gallery in a timely manner, inviting people to come to the opening, writing well about why I've created what I've created, answering questions as clearly as possible, being present - and pleasant - at the opening. (Yes, that being a grumpy curmudgeon part isn't working out for me 😁)
The things *not* within my control: whether people come to the opening reception, if the weather or traffic or available parking goes smoothly, the kinds of comments or questions I get (whether online or in person), whether anyone will like any of my art well enough to buy it… there are other items on the “not in my control” list but you get the idea.
So I've done the artwork, the paperwork and now I've delivered it… my wife and the Gallery owner helped me carry it all into the Gallery (my ankle injury from earlier this year is still a factor). Here's a look at my artwork in the Gallery in stages of being unpacked.
The Gallery owner, Amy, and I double checked my paperwork (All in good order! Whew!) and discussed other items of business including the planning for next year's exhibit!
My wife took this photo of Amy and I talking about my Eggheads and the display of them on the wooden rack you see in the background. You can also see my book “As The Crow Flies” in the background still to be unpacked.
One of the many things I like about working with the Caplan Art Designs Gallery is that they specialize in “bringing the art to you” - which means that even if you can't come to the opening reception or even visit the gallery in person all of the Gallery's artworks are still accessible. If you live within a certain radius the Gallery can bring artwork for your consideration directly to your home or office - and, if applicable, even install it for you. Outside that radius the Gallery sends digital catalogs/images and talks with you via phone or email to personalize the artwork selection for consideration. My artwork that you selected would be shipped to you.
I highly value this personal touch in these “preselected press button for more options" current times.
Here's the exhibit catalog book for the paintings in my current exhibit. And yes, subscribers to my newsletter got a special downloadable copy in advance …
For someone is interested in my current sculptures they'd contact the Gallery and ask for more details. As an example of such details: each one of my Eggheads is about 4 inches tall, 2 inches around and weighs a few ounces. Those can be wrapped and mailed almost anywhere. Shipping/handling is in addition to the $175 purchase price.
Here's an Egghead Shelfie photo that the Gallery might send as an example.
The artwork we choose to surround ourselves with is personal. It touched us in some way. Likewise, as an artist, the artwork I create is personal for me. My artworks are one of the ways you and I have to connect with each other as human beings. Thank you! 💚
I can see your eggheads as valuable artworks on PBS Antique Roadhouse in years to come. Let alone now, being almost priceless.
I love your final paragraph! So very true!!