I love how you delve into your creative process.

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Thank you!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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Sue, this is wonderful! First, I hope you are doing much better with your ankle! I love how you describe your creative process, and thanks for the recommendation for "Dare to Sketch."! I've been wanting to delve into some single panel cartooning, but get stuck on the sketching part. I can do designs, but this might be the best nudge to help me transition over to stuff that needs to at least remind someone of a chicken, for example. Anyway, extra hugs and love to your sweet elderly Rusty! I adore geriatric animals and would have a refuge if money were no object. Sort of a retirement oasis for older shelter pets, whether they are every adopted or not, to live with all the love, sunlight, cozy napping spots, sights, smells, surfaces, and sounds of nature, nursing care, 24-7 on-call vet... Wait a minute, LOL, is this for them or for me? 🤣 I think it's residual from working in veterinary hospice and in-home euthanasia. It should be peaceful and painless. Ach, sorry to be waxing sad! Anyway, LOVED this and wanted to say that Mr. Pig reminds me of a jaunty Winston Churchill!

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Love the pig, love all your critters, and thanks for the "Dare to Sketch: A Guide to Drawing on the Go" resource. I just put it on hold at my library. Yay!

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Oh good!!!! I'm delighted to hear your library has a copy of Dare To Sketch!!! I hope you'll enjoy seeing the drawings in that book as much as I do!!! And I'm glad to hear you like my critters!!! Thank you!!! 🤗💚💚💚💚💚

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Sue Clancy: Thank you so very much for sharing children's books that are exactly right for adult life, like for this 76-year-old, whose Party mascot you painted so well with acrylic: A highly misunderstood critter -- he is THOUGHTFUL (nothing negative: not stubborn -- rather, deliberative, even meditative).

Rusty has a worthy biographer in you, and I love, love your illustrated books and your meditative postings!

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Oh wow!!! Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful comment!!! I have saved it for rereading whenever I need a boost! Thank you!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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OH!!! Sue, I've been away, and you cannot IMAGINE the joy I feel to be catching up on your posts this afternoon - thank you so much for this one. And I've got TWO MORE yet to go.....! Thank you so much for the book recommendation, duly added to my wishlist. ❤️

While I was on my travels I put my big girl pants on and grabbed my (tiny) sketchbook and my very limited stash of media I carry with me and made some art on the go. I flipping loved it. I don't often dare to do that when I'm out and about, but I couldn't leave that view behind, so I stole it for my sketchbook pages and took it away with me. Ha! See how you inspire people, hmmmm? 🙌

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Yippee!!! So glad you did some tiny sketchbook drawings while you were away!!!!! I'm delighted that you enjoyed yourself!! I love to bring my tiny sketchbook and draw on location I feel both that I'm "really fully there" in the moment and that I'm getting away with the jewels. 🤣😘😉

I just love having a tiny sketch on-the-go kit that fits in my pocket or in a small bag - it feels like an indulgence!!! I hope the book gives you pleasure and some more encouragement!! I'm honored to encourage your wonderful creativity!! Keep going!!! And thank you for taking the time to read my newsletters- I so appreciate you!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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Ah, 'getting away with the jewels' - I love what you've said here, Sue!

I'm hoping to get back to my lapsed hiking habit soon, and when I do, that sketchbook will be coming right along with me. TWO lovely hobbies in which to indulge at the same time! 😊

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Yippee!!! Bravo!!!!! Here's to hikng and sketchbooking!!!! I can hardly wait until my hurt ankle is rehabilitated so I can hike and sketchbook too!!! One of these days soon, by gum, one of these days!!!!

In the meantime please take your ankles out for a walk for me with your sketchbook handy!! 💚💚💚

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What a lovely insight into your morning mind and creative self 💚

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Awwww I'm glad you liked it!! Thank you!!!! 💚

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Enjoyed reading about your process. Thanks so much

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You're welcome!! Thanks for reading my work!!

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Apr 27Liked by Sue Clancy

I was looking at Rusty, thinking Dear old soul and then went on to read that yes, he is Dear Old Soul. It will be hard to lose him but thanks to you he’s had a very happy life. I love that he can be such inspiration for your work.

And Thanks so much for more detail on your approach to these daily art sessions. It’s a great idea to start a bit and to then continue on another day. I really enjoy these posts. Thanks SO much.

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And thank you so much for your kind comment!!! I appreciate you!!

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I love the pig in pajamas!

And this is so wise: "I'm looking for a way of phrasing that instead of dwelling on the unpleasantness of negativity in the world helps me remember to look around for something to positively comment on - even when I'm just talking to myself. I like my headspace better that way."

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I always appreciate reading about your creative process, Sue! Bread may be the staff of life, but creativity is the sweet butter spread on it. I commend Rusty on being able to pace himself. I love the piggy PJs, very stylish!

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18!!! That’s so great to hear. What a treasure - gorgeous Rusty. 💚💚💚

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Thank you!! Rusty is indeed a treasure 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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I love the dacshund action sequence, and the words on on admiration, self regulation, and schedulgnig pleasant experiences throughout the day were much needed.

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Thank you so very much!!! I appreciate your wonderful comment! 💚💚💚💚💚💚

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I love your donkey 💙and your advice about morning creativity. Your gets a 4 paws up from my fur baby❤️

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Thank you so much!!! Love and affection from me to both you and your fur baby!!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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I'm so glad you liked what I wrote! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me!! I appreciate your kindness!!

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Oh thank you for your wonderful comment!!! In addition to Dare To Sketch - please look up Ivan Brunetti - he's famously a cartoonist who "can't draw" . He uses basic template circles to make his characters. Really!! Brunetti also has good how-to books. See also Lynda Berry. A cartoonist is just a writer who also draws. Thank you again for your wonderful comment!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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Thank you Liz! I love your phrase " ...creativity is the sweet butter..."!!! So true!!! 💚💚💚💚

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