Apr 2Liked by Sue Clancy

💖 🥰 Love for the bird that cleans up…💖

The unSUNG hero🤗

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I love the bird cleaning up the mess from music practice! All of the sour notes and other mistakes cleaned up as if they'd never happened, never to be mentioned again!

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The little bird sweeping notes is quite fetching.

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"Everything is made of time..." what a beautiful thought.

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Love the coffee ☕️ bird💚

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"Whatever is done with time today plants a seed of what may be done in the future… and what's planted can affect mental health." Indeed! *Everything* matters. Love your drawings always, and especially in this post, the 2 bunnies holding or hugging the heart flower. That would make an amazing bronze! Also love the bird sweeping and the notes. So good! Thanks for another great post, and may your healing continue, slow by slow, every day.

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I love the thought of time being planted in a garden. I painted the walls in my studio to make it look like a garden. When you close all the doors and sit on the bed, it's just like meditating in a garden. Only one that's painted but still.... My thoughts on flowers has always been based on those I watched grow when I was in community theatre. Each petal represents a day, week, month, year of life. I never thought of the fact that all has to do with time. It's rather obvious but I honestly never thought of that fact. WOW! Anyway, thanks for sharing. I think your work is wonderful.

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Sounds like you are making good use of your "down" time. I hope your foot/ankle is healing. I still remember breaking my ankle almost 20 years ago. It took far longer than I thought it should get better. It was maybe 2 or 3 years before it went back to feeling "normal." Now it seems as strong, if not stronger than my other ankle. Of course, more things hurt now.

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Delightful! Your drawings make me smile. ☺️

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That first image - time is not money, time is seeds - I cannot tell you how profound this feels.

I’ve just come across your Sub, so glad I did! X

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The bird with coffee is a new favorite!

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Absolutely beautiful words and art as always, Sue! Those swept-up musical notes are terrific!

I recently downloaded the 'Merlin' app and have been taking great pleasure in identifying the birdsong in our garden. A wren (Troglodytes troglodytes - such a long, impressive name for Britain's second-smallest bird) was singing its little heart out at breakfast time this morning - a new tune to add to our usual early morning cacophony provided by the blackbirds, robins and dunnocks. Absolutely glorious.

The poem on the first sketchbook page you have shown has reminded me of words by William Lawson which my mum once calligraphed beautifully for my grandma. Here they are:

'What is paradise, but, a garden, an orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights.'

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