I worked more this week on my alphabetical list of pleasant things to think about when I'm taking a break from stress.
The idea to make such lists comes from a psychiatrist who’s book I illustrated… (see the text between the red arrows)
Below is the book cover and here's a link to more about it. https://sueclancy.com/portfolio/dr-bobs-emotional-repair-program-first-aid-kit/
Such sketchbook lists often become a kindof subject matter index for my future paintings and drawings.
Here's to all of us making it through another week even if we have to use a teaspoon.
The positive list is wonderful, and on the pages you shared, I also appreciate the 'Stop' method to get oneself off of a negative and allow a space to reframe thoughts to positive or at least create a distraction until more positive thoughts can arrive and perhaps thrive.
I spent much time when younger fretting on what something might have been, or could be - in a negative, fearful way. At some point I realized things were rarely that bad and fretting used all my energy so it was tough to face things when they were actually difficult. Along with the 'stop - look here instead' I also used a 'worry vacation,' which I suppose is something like the 'schedule time to worry' but - as a baby-step coping skill - I decided I WOULD NOT worry for short bursts of time. Eventually those became longer until I rarely get caught up in it anymore. I suppose meditation creates that worry-free space for some people. I found it good to choose to positively create something in those spaces.
What a beautiful idea to make an alphabet of your favourite things at the times of stress.