Nov 1, 2022Liked by Sue Clancy

This piece always appeals to me. I adore pigs - and cupcakes - and I am very much not a procrastinator so the message speaks to me too.

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I'm so glad you liked these sketchbook pages!! You and I have so much in common!! ❤

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You're welcome!!

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I opened you newsletter in a moment of frustration immediately broke into a smile reading the caption on your diary. I got back from a long trip to India, missed writing my newsletter last week, am late by ten days for last week's newsletter and grappling with a number of things which includes unpacking, bringing the house in order and website revamp (which is giving me a lot of grief). "Don't waste time avoiding things - just do it and move on," you say. I am stuck today, with a issue on website transfer. I am going to bugger that and move on. Thanks for the message, Sue. I needed to hear that today.

PS: “A pig in a poke” is perfect phrase to explain what I have done. This whole website saga arose because me bought something (hosting) without thinking it through.

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Goodness!!! Neera, if you'll accept a virtual hug given in the spirit of empathy with you - please accept a big hug from me!!! Oh the pressure we do put on ourselves to do everything and to do everything perfectly. Oh, I hear you and resemble what you said in your comment!! I'm glad my post was of some comfort to you!!! Here's a second big hug if you'll have it! ❤

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Thank you for the hugs Sue. I need them. Probably another one today as I just found out all that I had written for the newsletter has vanished. It didn't get saved. Maybe for the best as the newsletter about my last trip to Sikkim and Darjeeling was getting longer and longer. Not to worry. I will get over it eventually.

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Thank you for accepting my hugs!! Here are at least 5 more huge squeezing hugs of support for you to use as needed! It'll all work out eventually somehow as long as you can remember to breathe. ❤

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I appreciate your creation process, especially when you share how your thoughts flow and move in the middle of a drawing.

Without sips of coffee between images or words, where would we be? Staring at a blank page? It’s liquid courage, my friend.

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Absolutely!!!!! It often helps me to think "I'm having my coffee and breakfast - thinking or sketchbooking is secondary" 😉

Like happiness creativity often happens best when we're busy doing something else.

Liquid courage indeed!!! ❤ Thank you for your comment!!!

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Like magic!

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Lol!!! 😆🤣 Thank you!!!!

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