Things I love when I remember them .... cinnamon toast, people with a good sense of humor, Will Rogers, horses I have known and more recently this joyous artist named Sue Clancy! :-)
Oooh!! Yes!!! Cinnamon toast is definitely an enjoyable thing!!!! And I'm honored to have my work on your list of enjoyments too!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! 💙💙💙💙
Absolutely on the list Kiddo! :-) You help me to make a habit of doing what I love. Even when the going gets tough. The habits can pull me through! Like tomato soup in my favorite mug! And inviting a kitty to snuggle at my side!
Oh good!! I'm glad to hear this from you!! It's been a very helpful habit for me too to have. Writing one thing each day that I'd found enjoyable that day has had the bonus effect that I have a track record of "reliable enjoyments" ready for reuse during difficult times. As you say - it helps me pull through!!
That's exactly what I've been thinking too!! The coming years are an opportunity to lean heavily into real-world enjoyable things including getting together in person with friends and family - just to enjoy! Keeping an "enjoyable things" book has helped me focus on that during past difficult times and helped me get through them so I'm betting it will again. Hope it helps you too. We're in this together 💙
'Good books and clean pyjamas' - well, what more could anyone want? Such a gorgeous post, Sue - lovely art, both 2D and ceramic, words as well as pictures. Clancy creativity stretches across many genres!
Such a great message, to stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive! There's the converse of that, too - kind of - to not be close to things that don't. I was thinking about that yesterday when I watched a scene in a TV show in which one character didn't want to engage with Shakespeare, whose writing the other character in the scene really loved. I jotted down what the latter said to the former:
'I love poetry because it makes me happy. If this doesn't make you happy, then don't do it.'
Just wow! What had made this important for me to note was the love and respect the words were said, and it made it a lovely reminder to choose the right things to do and to love.
Thank you for bringing this home to me, Sue. Another great post. x
Reply number 2: the idea of "stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive" is related to the ways human brains work. When we become aware of something after that initial awareness we're more likely to see it again. We tend to get "more" of what we focus on. This doesn't mean we need to be blind to unpleasant things it's just that we can do whatever we can do about the unpleasant thing - recognize that it's there - but just not have the unpleasant thing as the sole focal point of our awareness to the exclusion of everything else.
So yes, if something is pleasant - be sure to notice! Focus on that - celebrate it, jot it down, make regular time for it!! 💙💙💙
Oh!! Thank you for your wonderful comment!!! I appreciate hearing your thoughts!!! That's exactly it!!! Choose the things that vibrate in your hearts joy center like a tuning fork!!! And repeat them often!!!! Every day do some loving of things and people and places and....
‘….things that vibrate in your heart’s joy centre like a tuning fork!!!!’ Sue, that’s BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!! I’m being really playful in my art at the moment - I’m doing far more arting and reading of books than writing and reading on Substack - and have got a real ‘don’t care!’ attitude about it - about the art - I’m not getting bogged down in ‘this doesn’t look right’ - I’m just going for it. I’m really looking forward to putting my next art-related post together, although that won’t be for a little while. I’m having such fun playing!
(Peanuts are next on my list to draw! Have made a background for my sketchbook pages using damp teabags. I have NO IDEA what’s turned me so bonkers recently, but I’m gonna go with it!)
That's absolutely wonderful!!!! Yes!! That's my mantra!! Just use the art supplies and read the books and don't worry about the outcomes of any one particular thing - and then make more and read more!! Having fun with materials is all that matters!!!
Thank you so much for sharing more of your story. Such a creative soul. So smart realising which bits you particularly liked though, and finding a way to have similar outcomes. I love it. Hugs my dear. Best wishes.
Your following increases. Your pottery work jogged a memory that I took a class and even found blue clay in a steam bedroom make a vase and fire . Just don’t l know what ever happened to it. Buried in a box probably. As for will Rogers his ranch and the California state park was lost in the recent LA fire among many other irreplaceable places.
I hear you. I've been very aware of the Calif fires and the preciousness of life and memories in the face of everything that feels painfully ephemeral...
Can't get enough of"Positivity" 🙂 Thank You,Sue 🤗 💯👍
You're so welcome!!!! Hugs 🤗💯😘💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Things I love when I remember them .... cinnamon toast, people with a good sense of humor, Will Rogers, horses I have known and more recently this joyous artist named Sue Clancy! :-)
Oooh!! Yes!!! Cinnamon toast is definitely an enjoyable thing!!!! And I'm honored to have my work on your list of enjoyments too!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! 💙💙💙💙
Absolutely on the list Kiddo! :-) You help me to make a habit of doing what I love. Even when the going gets tough. The habits can pull me through! Like tomato soup in my favorite mug! And inviting a kitty to snuggle at my side!
Oh good!! I'm glad to hear this from you!! It's been a very helpful habit for me too to have. Writing one thing each day that I'd found enjoyable that day has had the bonus effect that I have a track record of "reliable enjoyments" ready for reuse during difficult times. As you say - it helps me pull through!!
And tomato soup in a mug...yum!! 😋😋
Cinnamon Toast!!! Indeed
A “Things I Enjoy” book is a great idea for “How to Survive the Next Four Years.” Thank You.
That's exactly what I've been thinking too!! The coming years are an opportunity to lean heavily into real-world enjoyable things including getting together in person with friends and family - just to enjoy! Keeping an "enjoyable things" book has helped me focus on that during past difficult times and helped me get through them so I'm betting it will again. Hope it helps you too. We're in this together 💙
I love your one line wisdom Sue. So profound and yet, so joyful and fun!
Awwww thank you so much!!!! Hugs to you!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
To you too 🤗
Good to see the glittery gold enhancements to the blue drawing! I'm getting a big kick out of the porcupine. The fur/quills look like 1980s Big Hair!
Lol!!!! I love that!!! Yes Porcupine's "Big Hair" meets morning bed-head !! 😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣
And thank you so much!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
You’re welcome. Chortle . . . .
'Good books and clean pyjamas' - well, what more could anyone want? Such a gorgeous post, Sue - lovely art, both 2D and ceramic, words as well as pictures. Clancy creativity stretches across many genres!
Such a great message, to stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive! There's the converse of that, too - kind of - to not be close to things that don't. I was thinking about that yesterday when I watched a scene in a TV show in which one character didn't want to engage with Shakespeare, whose writing the other character in the scene really loved. I jotted down what the latter said to the former:
'I love poetry because it makes me happy. If this doesn't make you happy, then don't do it.'
Just wow! What had made this important for me to note was the love and respect the words were said, and it made it a lovely reminder to choose the right things to do and to love.
Thank you for bringing this home to me, Sue. Another great post. x
Reply number 2: the idea of "stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive" is related to the ways human brains work. When we become aware of something after that initial awareness we're more likely to see it again. We tend to get "more" of what we focus on. This doesn't mean we need to be blind to unpleasant things it's just that we can do whatever we can do about the unpleasant thing - recognize that it's there - but just not have the unpleasant thing as the sole focal point of our awareness to the exclusion of everything else.
So yes, if something is pleasant - be sure to notice! Focus on that - celebrate it, jot it down, make regular time for it!! 💙💙💙
Oh Sue, such brilliant, brilliant insights - thank you so much! You’ve really made me think about things. 😘
Oh!! Thank you for your wonderful comment!!! I appreciate hearing your thoughts!!! That's exactly it!!! Choose the things that vibrate in your hearts joy center like a tuning fork!!! And repeat them often!!!! Every day do some loving of things and people and places and....
Hugs!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
‘….things that vibrate in your heart’s joy centre like a tuning fork!!!!’ Sue, that’s BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!! I’m being really playful in my art at the moment - I’m doing far more arting and reading of books than writing and reading on Substack - and have got a real ‘don’t care!’ attitude about it - about the art - I’m not getting bogged down in ‘this doesn’t look right’ - I’m just going for it. I’m really looking forward to putting my next art-related post together, although that won’t be for a little while. I’m having such fun playing!
(Peanuts are next on my list to draw! Have made a background for my sketchbook pages using damp teabags. I have NO IDEA what’s turned me so bonkers recently, but I’m gonna go with it!)
That's absolutely wonderful!!!! Yes!! That's my mantra!! Just use the art supplies and read the books and don't worry about the outcomes of any one particular thing - and then make more and read more!! Having fun with materials is all that matters!!!
And dying paper with tea bags is a lot of fun!!!!
Hugs to you!!! 💚💚💚💚💚
Noticing has a way of lifting my day. Love your idea of an adorable creature sharing your list!💜
Yes!! Noticing does that for me too! And I'm so glad you liked my critter !! Thank you!! 🤗💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Thank you so much for sharing more of your story. Such a creative soul. So smart realising which bits you particularly liked though, and finding a way to have similar outcomes. I love it. Hugs my dear. Best wishes.
Thank you so much for your kind comment!! Hugs to you too dear heart!! And I wish you all of the very best also!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Love all you write & draw! You're inspiring 💖
Oh! So kind of you!!! Thank you for your encouragement!!! 💚💚💚💚
Oh my! Your journal looks like a comic book. You've got incredible artistic skills. That brain mug is lit.❤❤❤
So kind of you to say!! I'm so hlad you enjoyed my work!! Thank you for taking the time to tell me!!! 💚💚💚
Things I enjoy - your posts and the beautiful pottery you made. So glad you still have some pieces.
Oh!!! How delightful your comment is!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed both my post and my pottery!! Thank you!!!! 💚💚💚
Your following increases. Your pottery work jogged a memory that I took a class and even found blue clay in a steam bedroom make a vase and fire . Just don’t l know what ever happened to it. Buried in a box probably. As for will Rogers his ranch and the California state park was lost in the recent LA fire among many other irreplaceable places.
I hear you. I've been very aware of the Calif fires and the preciousness of life and memories in the face of everything that feels painfully ephemeral...
Thank you for your comment.
Not lyin’ - I’m kinda in love with the mugs-
I'm honored to hear thst!!! Thank you!!! ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
Love this idea! And that is some professional looking pottery! 💖
Awwww thank you so much!!!! 😘💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Hugs, Sue—I needed to see this today! 💙💟❤️⭐️
I'm delighted I could give this to you today!!! Hugs Diane and thank you for all you do!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Love this - thank you for brightening my day.
You're so welcome!!! I'm glad I could do this for you!!! Hugs!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙