I often wished there could be Montessori college--although it probably wouldn't work outside the arts and humanities.

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That’s the perfect title for the painting!

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I love the idea of unstructured play time. I would like to report that I have been taking the first 15 minutes of my "coffee and drawing pandas while listening to podcasts in the morning" time to draw unplanned things in my sketchbook.

I will also admit to having a rather extensive collection of really nice sketchbooks that I bought when I had more cash flow. This one was made by a friend who is no longer making hand bound sketchbooks and is a mid sized book with very nice heavy paper. I will scan pages as I finish them.

Starting a new habit and keeping it is always a challenge, but according to Dr, Lynda J Barry (MacArthur Genius and everything) it's by getting your hand and drawing implement moving on paper that actually gets your brain working, so this is a very good thing. Thanks for the kick in the rear to get it started.

I love the Elephant in the Room painting!

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Another beautiful post, Sue - both pictures and words! I adore that little cutting of messages stuck to your paintbox - that is absolutely wonderful. A gorgeous reminder of fabulousity. Fabulousness? Whatever the word is, THAT'S what I mean.

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Your paintings and illustrations are amazing.

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I really enjoyed and needed this today! First, the raining cats and dogs are adorable. Second, I agree and am saddened about the need for the bracketed advice for those of us in the US especially. I call the agenda-less play you are talking about rambling. Nothing rejuvenates me more than rambling for a day. It’s been a while since my last ramble, but this weekend looks promising!

Thanks for being so generous with your work!

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